Friday 17 May 2013

Beauty Wonder of the Month!

I've decided to do a monthly post called Beauty Wonder
of the Month. Every month I will pick one fruit or
just anything really, that is a Beauty Wonder and I'll
show you how you can use it for a beauty product.

This month i'm picking lemons. Lemons contain
Vitamin C, Vitamin Vitamin B5 and Vitamin A.
Vitamin C protects your skin from skincancer,
Vitamin B5 helps your skin stay clear, Vitamin A
keeps your skin hydrated.
Lemons are a healthy source of vitamin C.

Tip 1- Rub lemon juice on your nails to whiten them

Tip 2- Lemon juice can lighten your hair. Pour some
in your hair, go outside in the sun, rinse it out and
that's it.

Tip 3 - If you burn yourself on your curling iron,
just put some lemon juice on it ;)

-Purple Flamingo


  1. Great tip! I love natural remedies so I will be sure to give lemons a try. It doesn't hurt they smell so nice :)


  2. Hi,this is my new blog kisses


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