I've been meaning to do more lifestyle posts,
so I thought I would tell you guys what I've been
doing lately. I met some friends a couple of weeks ago which
was really nice, I hadn't seen them for a while and we
talked until really late that night! Here is the makeup look
I was wearing that night (inspired by Kylie Jenner of course)

Thank you Netflix! I've been watching the first season
of friends this week on Netflix. I've seen all the episodes
sooo many times but I haven't seen the first two seasons
not nearly as often as the others. It's so nice to sit down
for a few minuets watch one episode, while drinking a
cup of coffee or tea.
I've been trying to eat healthier and more fruit.
I find the easiest way to eat a lot of fruit is to
make smoothies. My favorite smoothies are the
ones that have avocado and ginger. For this smoothie I
used an apple, orange, lemon, avocado and a little bit
of ginger.
Thanks for reading!